"I approached Janine to work on my anxiety, which we made incredible progress on re: discovering its origins and what I used it for. It was empowering and freeing. I came away from sessions with greater understanding of myself and deeper peace of mind and heart."

Sid  embrace Coaching client 

   mindfulness + choice + change = freedom  



When did life get so overwhelming? How did you become a high-strung mess of anxiety and hopelessness? Distressed about work, home, school, friends … the world!

Maybe this has been going on for ages ... maybe as far back as you can remember … and it's probably getting worse, not better.

In all my years as a Mindset Coach, I've found there are two ways to cope with life's challenges: poorly (ASLEEP) or Mindfully (AWAKE).

ASLEEP: You struggle with the distresses of everyday life, with your MIND FULL of anxiety and hopelessness, which impedes your chances of growth.

AWAKE: You face your challenges head-on, with LESS inner Chaos and MORE inner Calm

embraceCOACHING helps you to WAKE UP, and empty your mind of distress. You'll learn to triumph over life's challenges MINDFULLY-WISELY-EFFORTLESSLY

stop letting the world bust your b@lls!

Imagine if...


that's exactly what's possible for you with embrace coaching!

...EVEN IF you're too overwhelmed to imagine ever emptying your mind of anything. 

...EVEN IF you're not sure how you'd go about doing it anyway.

...EVEN IF you wouldn't know what any of that even means!

Why Mindfulness?

"Cultivating a more mindful way of being is associated with less emotional distress, more positive states of mind, and better quality of life. [It] can influence the brain, nervous system, stress hormones, immune system, and health behaviors, including eating and sleeping."

source: Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine (peer-reviewed open access journal which focuses on hypothesis-driven and evidence-based research in all fields of integrative medicine).



Janine Bilas, Mindset Miracle Worker

Here's a story about the magic of the right Mindset

Over the past six years, I've coached clients to triumph Mindfully-Wisely-Effortlessly over their most distressing life challenges - cancer, relationship breakdown, work and school burnout, and chronic anxiety and depression - by emptying their minds of Chaos-Catastrophe-Clutter and cultivating Calm-Quiet-Clarity, instead. 

I've also triumphed over my own major life challenge: two cancer diagnoses - one in 2014 and a terminal diagnosis in 2019. The terminal diagnosis: extensive, inoperable bone tumors - I had 2-5 years to live with ZERO chance of recovery…

Can you imagine the Chaos-Catastrophe-Clutter that was on standby to fill up my mind?

That noise was actually worse during my first diagnosis.

Back then, I tried everything I could think of to cope with having breast cancer - wishful thinking, positive affirmations, distracting myself, books, meditations, crossing my fingers ... praying (I'd never prayed before). Nothing quelled the Chaos-Catastrophe-Clutter.

By the second (stage IV) diagnosis, I was a developmental coach and Spiritual Awakening coachee

Sure, my level of self-awareness and mindset was fairly solid by now - I'd had:

  • 25 years of self-administered self-work (thank you M. Scott Peck, Louise Hay, Bija Bennett, Julia Cameron, Steve Chandler!)
  • then 6 years of coaching with a psychologist
  • then 2 years of coaching with a Spiritual Awakening coach
  • and 3 years as a developemental coach.

But trust me when I say having a "fairly solid" mindset is horribly insufficient when it comes to being told you're about to die and have ZERO chance of changing this. Especially if, like me, you're not about to let "ZERO chance" get you down!

If I'd been ASLEEP, I'd have reacted with DISTRESS, fought through the dread, despair and devastation, tried to FIGHT the cancer (to no avail BTW - ZERO chance of recovery, remember?) ... and then pretty much just stopped fighting and gotten myself ready to die (after much pain :( ).

If I'd been fairly AWAKE, I'd still react with DISTRESS yet try to work through the dread, despair and devastation, try to support my body through the treatment "FIGHT" ... and then pretty much found serenity and gotten myself ready to die (after much pain :( ).

What I chose was to WAKE the f*** up!

Instead of DISTRESS ... I worked toward calm-quiet-clarity

Instead of FIGHTING ... I HEALED Mind-Body-Spirit
Instead of DEATH ... I gained PEACE-POWER-PURPOSE

I call this my "Mindset-led miracle" ... And I made it happen through being laser-focused about inner Calm

And here's the beauty part: when we intentionally empty our minds of Chaos-Catastrophe-Clutter and intentionally cultivate Calm-Quiet-Clarity, it enables us to (re)connect to our Inner Compass ... and our Inner Compass is our fail-proof guide through life, the multiverse and everything.

Guidance from my Inner Compass led me to discover the right people, practitioners and protocols to heal all tumors within 20 months of diagnosis!

Yes, you heard right - I completely healed the extensive, inoperable bone metastases and took myself from "terminal with ZERO chance of recovery" to fully recovered and cancer-free.

Forget ZERO CHANCE OF RECOVERY ... I'm living proof that ANYTHING's possible when you've got the Right MIndset-Skillset-Toolset ... even healing terminal cancer ... and it all begins with the Right Mindset.

Mindset-led Miracle = something to celebrate!

Sure, what I did was miraculous ... yet it was also Embarassingly Simple!

At the heart of my "miracle" is an embraceMINDSET, which was:

  • gained through 25+ years of self-development work and many years of studying human behaviour
  • that culminated in a laser-focused cultivation of Mindfulness
  • through emptying my mind of Chaos-Catastrophe-Clutter
  • and building Calm-Quiet-Clarity, instead.

it's that simple!

and here's the good news...

I've now used my professional expertise as a multiply accredited Human Potential Coach and my personal experience of triumphing over the "impossible" to create embrace, a self-empowerment blueprint that will shortcut you to the "Miracle" Mindset that deals Mindfully-Wisely-Effortlessly with anything life throws at you.

I personally guarantee it!


Does any of this sound familiar?

You know you need to cultivate Calm-Quiet etc, but you have no f***ing idea how/where to start.

You don't have time to build 25 years of self-awareness etc etc with all this juggling - school, kids, work.

You just don't have the tools or skills to free yourself from your Chaos-Catastrophe-Clutter.

If this is you, don't worry - you're not alone.

That's exactly what a coach is here for! I'll guide you, step-by-step, from:

Chaos to Calm to a life of Mindfulness-Wisdom-Effortlessness.


WHAT you need IS a proven roadmap full of SIMPLE short-cuts

That's exactly why I created embrace so you don't have to put in the time, effort and expense of my 30+ years of self-work to get a step-by-step guide that'll fast-track you into the Right Mindset to triumph over any challenge ... in 3 months!




Whatever "snake" life throws at you, 1:1 coaching with me is a key opportunity for your growth and FREEDOM from inner Chaos-Catastrophe-Clutter.

Work with a Mindset Miracle Worker - someone who spent a lifetime building the kind of mindset to triumph beyond the impossible. And learn specifically what you need in order to triumph over your own seemingly impossible challenges.

QUELL the roar of Chaos-Catastrophe-Clutter, DISCOVER your inner Calm-Quiet-Clarity, RECOVER your Inner Compass and ENSURE your Actions-Choices-Efforts are RIGHT for you.

Plus you'll have the added accountability and guidance from me to really get you embracing!


By the end of this program, you'll have...



You'll learn, step by step, how to use simple-yet-powerful tools to shift from being Full-of-Mind to being Mindful.



You'll tap into your Inner Compass and ve guided by Self-Responsibility, Self-Awareness and Self-Leadership.



Life may have you by the b@lls right now, but the more you embrace, the more life becomes simple-yet-powerful.

Imagine how different life would be after 3 months of embrace coaching!

What Have You Tried That Didn't Work?

Your other options?

positive thinking

Sure, you can keep trying it all - positive thinking, affirmations, prayer ... even denial! I've been there, done that. And I know for a fact that until you build the Right Mindset, no amount of "positivity" will make a dent.

hours of RESEARCh

Sure, you can spend decades Googling, reading every book, scouring forums trying to get answers yourself ... but why not leave the HOW to the experts (me!) and simply learn the steps to get to your WHERE.

"pep" talking

Sure, you can do the "tough love" thing - I've also done plenty of "get over it, Janine ... Be strong, Janine ... Suck it up, Janine". But this definitely didn't get me anywhere but frustrated and irritated.

Bypass all that when you work with me!

Fits In To Your Day

I know you're busy, so I promise that the simple-yet-powerful tools you'll learn and the true Self-Awareness you'll gain will be valuable to every aspect of life. 

Step-By-Step Guide

I'll give you the step-by-step process to find Emotional Stability, Mental Clarity and True Relaxation instantly, powerfully, sustainably.

so, how is




Based On Lived Experience

I've been a student of personal growth, human behavior and human potential for 30+ years ... I've already been on the journey you're on, and I want to share my proven strategy to help you to triumph beyond it, like I did.

Uses Multiple Human Potential Tools

I've studied multiple models of human behaviour, and I offer multiplle ways for you to understand yourself, deeply.

how embracecoaching works

After your Discovery Session, we'll engage in either FORTNIGHTLY 1:1 sessions online across 3 months or [INTENSIVE PACKAGE] WEEKLY 1:1 sessions online across 3 months.

You'll also receive:


how embrace coaching works

After your Discovery Session, we'll engage in either FORTNIGHTLY 1:1 sessions online across 3 months or [INTENSIVE PACKAGE] WEEKLY 1:1 sessions online across 3 months. You'll also receive:



Fast-track your embrace journey by learning the exact, step by step process for moving toward Mindfulness-Wisdom-Effortlessness.

session recordings

You have unlimited access to session recordings to work through any areas you feel you need extra help with. 

powerful embrace practices

At the end of each session, you'll receive a powerful practice that's tailored to you, based on what came up in the session.

embrace  life newsletter

Keep updated on my latest findings, musings and insights in the wonderful world of Self-Awareness and Awakening.

embrace monthly Q&A with janine

embrace Q&As are live and recorded for your convenience. These help to consolidate your mindfulness practise and awakening.

lifetime coaching program

You have lifetime access to embrace resources, our newsletter, your session recordings and monthly Q&As with me.

What clients say about Janine...

"I'd like to thank Janine for her committed coaching. I have a ton of respect for her work and I'm amazed at what she has to offer. I experienced a dark side when I was going through my illness. It was a painful period of my life and I had a hesitancy to talk about it. Janine helped me to overcome one of my biggest fears - that my illness would return. She challenged me and encouraged me. As we did more coaching lots of emotions were uncovered, and every session, I have a breakthrough."

Georgina B.

Georgia had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer

"I am so grateful to Janine for her ability to hold up the mirror, allowing spaciousness for growth and for guiding and leading spiritual transformation."

Cindy Y.

12-month embraceLEADERSHIP client


Meet a Star Client

Z.P. was a high-achieving student at a very exclusive private high school at the time of this case study. We've now been working together for almost two years.

Z initially wished to gain tools to be less stressed about intense academic pressure ... he's now at the stage of Spiritual Awakening, which is very exciting for a young man who's poised to become a wise and mindful leader.


1. What was your main biggest struggle before coaching?

My largest struggle was stress. I used it as a motivator to get things done but felt horrible when I was under it. This was a very dangerous combination, essentially enticing me to stress myself out in order to do well at school. I struggled with balancing it a lot, and would oftentimes completely surrender to it, to the point where I lived under stress.

3. What is the single most important thing you’ve learnt thanks to coaching?

I have mainly learnt two very important lessons. For me personally, it would be that motivation does not have to exist, I do not need to try to find a thing to ‘motivate’ me but instead I can simply do the task because it is there, and it is easy to do (by easy I mean motivationally, not necessarily mentally).

I essentially learnt that I should not use stress to motivate myself but I could rely on intrinsic desire to do what I wanted.

Similarly, and more generally, I learnt that I do not need to complicate myself and my emotions, I can simply be and let events and things pass through me (I imagine dissolving around something).

This could apply to anything, to family feuds where I have tried to understand that I do not need to react but I can instead respond (calmer and less emotion-attaching) to school, work where I can similarly do a task instead of procrastinating about doing a task and then ultimately relying on stress to motivate myself to do said task.

2. before coaching, What had you tried to do to relieve this struggle?

I would try to do guided ‘meditation’ through apps and would also try to relieve my stress by working harder. Because I did not understand that I used my stress to motivate myself I thought that by doing what my stress wanted I would alleviate it, but this was quite the opposite, I was feeding it. The ‘meditation’ did not do much because of this, no amount of meditation could stop me until I realised that I was using stress and letting it use me.

4. How has life changed since coaching?

It has pretty much been said above, however I will say that I have not reached these ideal stages yet and I sometimes still rely on stress. I have simply noticed the times when tasks have been ‘easy’ and fun, where I required no external source to make me do anything. I simply did it because I could.

It has also helped me understand how maybe one day I could live a life where I do not need to engage with stress at all (I disagree with this idea that a little stress is good in life, I think it is an excuse of some sort).

Coaching has essentially helped me understand the potential of what is out there it terms of ‘easy’ living, and motivated me to try to work towards that.

Meet your coach

Hi, I'm Janine!

Human Potential expert, student of Spiritual Awakening and lover of sunny days.

My passion? I'm all about helping people to connect to their Inner Compass, tap into their their infinite potential and live an embrace LIFE, driven by Peace, Power, and Purpose. 

Imagine what life will be like when you're living in your Zone Of Zen, with Emotional Stability, Mental Clarity, and Body-Breath Relaxivity.

I'm so excited for you. Let's get started!

Janine Bilas

  Internationally Accredited Human Potential Coach  

The program

 Phase 1 - DISRUPT 

You'll travel into your interior world to DISRUPT and clear away all that internal Chaos that's hindering your resilience and growth


In the face of tough life challenges, our emotions, thoughts and energies are all over the place.

This emotional, mental and energetic clutter gets in the way of anything we do. So, before we take Action, we first learn to manage our emotions, thoughts and energies in a healthy, effective way.

 Phase 2 - EXPAND 

Once you've decluttered your interior, it's time to EXPAND our connection to your Inner Compass


Without real connection to our Inner Compass, we tend to be Reactive in distressful situations - our Actions-Choices-Efforts are groundless and ill-informed.

Connecting to your Inner Compass enables your capacity to step back, RELAX & RESPOND, instead.

This simple yet powerful module is your practical fast-track into Mindfulness.

 Phase 3 - ACCELERATE 

It's now time to travel back "out there" and let your Actions-Choices-Efforts be DIRECTLY guided by your inner truth.


Now, as your most grounded self, your Actions-Choices-Efforts will be of the highest power, and so will Life! 

embrace bonuses

These bonus resources will help you along your embrace JOURNEY

wheel of life  e-workbook

value: $29

This workbook helps you to take a more holistic approach to life - because true psychological self-healing begins with Mind-Body-Spirit connection.

tracker pack  download

value: $29

Keep track of your interior as you work through the coaching program and beyond - because Awareness is the first step toward Transformation.

5-d problem resolving  e-book

value: $49

This is a 5-step mindfulness-based tool I created for a fail-safe way to resolve any problem, big or small. 

What? ... More Bonuses?

online embrace life masterclasses

You'll have 12-months access to our awesome quarterly embrace LIFE masterclasses. These live and online workshops give you practical, no-nonsense help with implementing your learnings. They draw together the latest and greatest ways for you to operate at your peak level of Calm-Quiet-Clarity. Each masterclass is themed according to the biggest IRL struggles you're having.

body-breath connectivity 1:1 consultation with yoga master

Contrary to popular belief, stress relief doesn't begin with the mind, it begins with the body. Work with a certified energy yoga practitioner to learn how to release tension at the deeper body/energy level.

So, let's  recap

As an embrace COACHING client, you'll get...

1:1 Coaching with Janine

embrace WORKBOOK

Session recordings

Powerful embrace practices

embrace LIFE newsletter

embrace monthly Q&A

Lifetime coaching program

BONUS: Wheel Of Life e-workbook

BONUS: Tracker Pack download

BONUS: 5-D Problem Resolving e-book

BONUS: 12-month access to the quarterly embrace LIFE masterclasses

BONUS: Body-Breath Connectivity 1:1 consultation with yoga master

Got  Questions?

What is Coaching?  

Coaching is the answer to the question: "How can I go from good to GREAT?". We don't tell people what to do; istead, we help them to tap into their inner resources and find their best solutions. Coaching helps a person shift limiting beliefs and step into their unlimited potential.

Is Coaching different from Therapy and Counselling?

Counselling and therapy is about healing and remedying clients' dissatisfaction with life and provides relief from psychological symptoms. It helps clients to get away from pain or discomfort; coaching helps clients to move towards desired goals. 

Therapy and counselling often seeks to understand the past and what went wrong in order to be better in the present. Coaching focuses on the present and future.

Why is Coaching becoming so popular?  

Coaching is gaining popularity because more people are now self-actualising. They expect to be able to do more, and to fulfil their dreams and goals, and achieve mental, emotional, financial and spiritual wellbeing. A coach helps people to achieve that by helping them to release the baggage that's blocking them.

Is coaching different from training or teaching?

With training and teaching, the trainer/teacher is the expert who transfers skills and knowledge to the learner. In coaching, the coach is not the expert with the answers but a guide who asks questions to facilitate shifts in the client - the client learns in the process, but the coach doesn't teach directly.

What are the benefits of Coaching?  

Individuals will become clear about what they want from life and be clear of the baggage that blocked them from attaining it. They'll have a more satisfying and happier life in every aspect., and be more effective at work.

How does Coaching work?

A coach will help you to explore the present, undo your blocks and design the future you want.

Who hires a Coach?  

Everyone and anyone. Organisations hire coaches to improve teamwork, to coach executives and help managers. Individuals hire coaches to create a better life, relationships, and wellbeing.

Can Coaching create dependency?

No. The client is responsible for, and owns the results of the coaching. Coaching works to make the client more self reliant, not less.

What happens when you hire a Coach?  

You decide together with the coach how often the sessions will be, what form they'll take (telephone, zoom, face to face) and the duration of the coaching arrangement (three, six, nine months). Different coaches will suggest different arrangements.

Can Coaching be dangerous?

No. A coach does not do therapy, and will refer the client to another qualified professional if that ever becomes necessary.

100% satisfaction guaranteed

I think you'll love learning from the program and really appreciate all the resources, tools and step-by-step tutorials. However, if you're not satisfied with the experience, then please contact me in the first 14 days and I'll give a refund.

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